Beiträge von Klaus_GP

    Gelati al lago

    Recently, it was time again for letting my trusted iron horse run some distance:
    On my personal list of passes within the Alps, the checkmarks for San Bernardino and Nufenen were still missing. And how about combining this with an ice cream in some mediterranean setting like at the shores of Lago Maggiore?

    The idea was born, routes and waypoints planned accordingly and a title found for this report (gelati al lago => ice cream at the lake). Only thing remaining to do was to get up early to make ends meet.

    Mounted the ride on 4:30 am and got out on the open road towards Ulm. Jumped onto Autobahn A7/A96 for a dash into Bregenz, which marks the end of the Autobahn for the day. I’m not going to pay for not having fun on the road (Switzerland and Austria have a toll system for their freeways)
    Shortly after 6 am in Bregenz at Lake Constance, it is still a bit hazy and the mountains are covered with clouds.
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    The following 50 km through the Principality of Liechtenstein are of the boring type of roads. It started to rain a bit but not enough to require gearing up.

    Some nice deviation from the boring road through the valley of the upper River Rhine can be found when taking the shortcut over Luziesteig, a ancient fortification at the border of Liechtenstein to Switzerland
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    During another trip in this area, looking for fuel had taken quite a bunch of fun from the tour. I simply waited too long to refuel and had to take it slow (in interesting scenery). So this time, I refueled in Thusis making sure the switchbacks and curves through the „Via Mala“ (translates to „bad road“, the passage through this tight gorge was very dangerous in the old days…) can be enjoyed without distraction. Btw, the water flowing down in the gorge still is the River Rhine…
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    Following the winding roads quickly lead up to the Rofla-Dam, where the Rhine is allowed to contribute to the generation of electricity.
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    I have been to San Bernardino several times; on family vacation in a cage. But my roller-coaster-proof sons have a somewhat sensible stomach when in a car...but this time, it’s up to me! Did I write that the street is empty? Meaning really empty?
    So, let’s get up there to the San Bernardino!
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    At the summit, the patron of the ancient San Bernardino hospice is preparing the sunshades for the day. But at 10 am, there will be no guests for quite some time.
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    Continuing south, I pass Pian San Giacomo and Bellinzona going down until the village of Vira at the shore of Lago Maggiore, where I have my well earned Italian ice cream. Vira and the surroundings, despite the fact of being swiss, have that Italian flair, that draws the masses of middle-european tourists to travel south all summer.
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    Way before noon and already on the way back? Right, but there is much more to come...

    Riding back north passing the city of Airolo the junction to St. Gotthard Pass (hey, should I ride the old Tremola road once again? 10 km of cobblestone with many switchbacks propose much fun..... but: "plan the flight - fly the plan") I follow the Bedretto valley leading to Nufenen Pass. The road is completely empty and the „brick“ is flying as it should.
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    Passing some huge piles of snowpack still on the road’s shoulders on the way up to Nufenen, there’s no surprise that it’s still really cold up there. So I do not stay for too long and continue down into the village of Ulrichen, where I turn right towards Gletsch, the junction of Furka Pass and Grimsel Pass. Gletsch also is the western end of the Furka cog railway. That section is also part of the “Glacier Express” leading from St. Moritz to Zermatt via a couple of Switzerland’s most spectacular passes.
    Looking down on the intersection of Furka and Grimsel:
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    Furka Pass, with the remains of the Rhone glacier to the left. I had seen that glacier 20 years ago and the amount of ice that has gone since then is dramatic…
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    Following the south ramp up to Grimsel Pass, did I really already write that the streets are completely empty? Time for FlyingBrick again…

    On Grimsel summit, the view due southeast points to Furka Pass, where the weather still looks bright.
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    Whereas, due north clouds start to roll in.
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    As could be expected, the entire distance until over Susten Pass, it stays cloudy but dry.
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    Likely as compensation for cloudy skies, the road is mine. All mine!

    Dropping down towards Lake Lucerne, it starts warming up again.
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    Since it’s becoming a bit late, I follow the single track Pragel Pass and follow curvy swiss backroads towards Lake Constance again. The landscape reminds of a kitchy model train track.. For not having to endure the surroundings of Bregenz again, I opted for the ferry crossing the lake from Konstanz to Meersburg..
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    The iron horse must have smelled the barn:
    Shortly after 10 pm, the trusty steed is parked at it’s usual place; its exhaust sizzling contently.

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    17 hours on the road,
    930 km and
    11000 m altitude covered,
    grinning from ear to ear…

    ... that’s how a ride has to be!


    Hallo zusammen,

    nach 8 Jahren mit dem Muli "endlich" mal ein technisches Problem:

    Vorhin wollte ich bei der winterschlafenden K75 mal wieder das Vorderrad weiterdrehen, da habe ich feststellen müssen, daß sich das Rad von Hand nicht drehen lässt. Die Bremsbeläge kleben offensichtlich an den Scheiben.

    Was soll ich tun?
    Beim Abbocken mit Gewalt lösen? :evil:
    Mit Wasser oder einem Reiniger (welchem?) anlösen?
    Braucht's dann neue Beläge?

    Um Erleuchtung bittet der

    Zitat von "tom_FR"

    Hallo Klaus,

    weißt du noch was du bezahlt hast dafür ?

    Kurz nachgesehen: 273€ tout compris; Material (beide Achslager und die Dichtung), Arbeitszeit, Märchensteuer; Muli waidwund abgestellt und nach frisch aufgerüscht wieder abgeholt,
    berichtet der

    Wenn Du das aufgeschlüsselt haben willst, muss ich nach der Rechnung graben...

    Letzten Herbst hat's beim Muli das große Lager im EA zerlegt. Der Lagerkäfig hat die Dichtung zerschnitten und die Suppe ist gelaufen. Der Schrauber meines Vertrauens (selbstständiger Meister mit 20 Jahren Erfahrung beim freundlichen) hat den Aufbau nach Tausch der defekten Teile ausdistanziert. Die Erklärung warum war gleich wie vom Bonner...

    Ohne jetzt für mich know-how zu beanspruchen: Für mich nachvollziehbar,
    meint der

    Zitat von "sitronen"

    Is that possible, even if I don't hear the starter and the starter relay clicking? If the only sound i hear pressing iht ignition is the fuel pump?

    Bei den 2V Ks startet die Spritpumpe erst wenn sich der Motor dreht (Signal vom Hallgeber). Dazu muss der Anlasser aber arbeiten.
    Das erste Geräusch ist also immer der Anlasser. Wenn der nicht einrückt klingt das natürlicherst mal ungewohnt.
    Hast Du in letzter Zeit von mineralisch auf synthetisches Öl gewechselt?
    Dann rutscht nämlich gerne mal der Mitnehmer des Anlassers durch,
    erinnert sich der Klaus

    Da braucht's keinen Regler. Die Spannung bricht bei Belastung durch die Batterie sofort ein. Das Ding kann im besten Fall 1,5W. Das ergibt an 12V dann ca. 120mA. Damit treibt man einen 19Ah-Bleiakku niemals über den Jordan,
    erklärbärt der

    Zitat von "Volker_OD"


    hilft denn vielleicht ein Solarladegerät?

    Wenn das Panel ordentlich in der Sonne montiert ist, reicht das durchaus.

    Die Entladung beträgt nur wenige mA, in der Hauptsache getrieben von der Uhr. Die Selbstentladung einer (ansonsten gesunden) Blei-Säure-Zelle ist geringer. Kältebedingte Kapazitätsverluste kompensieren sich mit steigender Umgebungstemperatur wieder.

    Auch meine Garage hat keinen Stromanschluss und den Akku über Winter ausbauen habe ich auch keine Lust. Dazu ist das Teil zu weit unten im Rahmen versteckt. Meine Lösung sieht so aus:
    Einmal im Monat nehme ich einen Laptop-Akku und "a bissle Elektronik", um dessen Ladung langsam in die K umzufüllen. Die Bakterie war 2002 beim Kauf der K schon drin und hält immer noch ohne merkliche Alterung,
    tippselt der

    ... inzwischen auch "rübergemacht" ...